Hi, nice to meet you!

We’re LivletStudio, a design studio focused on creating beautiful and timeless spaces. We specialize in giving new life to older designs (we LIVE for incredible before + afters) but love designing from scratch too. We’re currently restoring & renovating our 130+ year old brownstone in Brooklyn, NY.

Katrina is an experienced design professional with a degree in Interior Design and NCIDQ certified. She was one of the original designers at the now infamous WeWork, where she designed dozen of WeWork locations in New York, Washington DC, Miami, and more before stepping into the role of Design Director where she managed dozens more locations. Most recently, Katrina has focused on her role of Head of Design for the short tern rental company Stay at Lina.

David is a Senior Finance Manager, and has a degree in English Studies… neither of which really have anything to do with Design & Construction. But he grew up shadowing his father who is a very skilled millworker, allowing him to learn from the best. He also has an uncanny knack of learning how to do something thru YouTube, and completely excelling at it. He makes our Brownstone design dreams come to life.

Olivia is our 4 year old daughter who we often refer to as our ‘design intern’. We include her every step of the way, from helping us paint and garden, to giving an extra hand when staging for photos. Our hope is that one day she will be able to say "I helped build this house!”


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